Leylinx VRChat Avatar
Mischievous creatures, small magical sprites, cursed to live a vampiric lifestyle, these intelligent souls born of mana and darkness live to maintain the magical threads that tether our world to theirs. A relentless loyalty to the aura, known only to the Leylinx themselves. Their numbers seem to fluctuate like tides through time, as they surface from their world for playful respite in the shadows...
The Leylinx VRChat avatar is a small, stylized succubus-inspired creature, with wings to provide additional dexterity to their nimble bodies.
- Fullbody Ready
- Expressions and Gestures
- Customizable Body with many different variations, Fur Patterns and Toggles
- Included workout/punk style outfit
- More DLC planned!
Performance Stats:
- Overall Performance: Medium
- Physbone Components: 9
- Texture Memory Usage: 75 - 100 MB
- Polygons: 49,138
- Skinned Mesh Renderers: 2
- Materials: 2
- Physbone Transforms: 47
- Physbone Colliders: 2
- Physbone Collisions: 26
- Bones: 97
Requires the VRChat SDK and appropriate Unity Version, as well as basic Unity Knowledge.
Poiyomi version included, requires poiyomi 8.1.167 found here: poiyomi releases
After purchasing this avatar, you are free to customize and release public/clonable versions to your discretion.
A public version of the avatar is available to try out in my world Fort Hollowvalley
Need help? Want to provide feedback or just want to hang out?
Join our discord! https://discord.gg/rzDaRssX2K
.unitypackage file including all resources required for uploading